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Rooted in the volcanically formed, flood-washed hills of Oregon’s Willamette Valley, Appassionata Vineyards is dedicated to honoring and expressing the soil, spirit and substance of this very special place. Our wines celebrate the unique geology and climate that make this region so highly prized by wine lovers and collectors the world over.

Situated on a gentle knoll, with spectacular views of the Chehalem Mountain ridgeline to the north and the Dundee Hills to the south, our vineyards benefit from an extraordinary diversity of site exposures and soil types, both volcanic and alluvial. After more than a decade of über-meticulous, German-style farming to establish the vineyards, our goal is to transpose their distinctive nature from the soil to the bottle.

The Appassionata Estate vineyard comprises 17 acres of Pinot Noir, two acres of Chardonnay, and one acre of Sauvignon Blanc. Planting began in 2010 and proceeded, block by block, over four years. Vines also need time and patience to establish their roots and develop depth of expression. So it is only now, a decade later, that the estate fruit is primarily dedicated to the production of Appassionata wines.


The Appassionata Estate winery is nestled into the north-facing slope of the property. Built in 2010, it features energy-efficient underground barrel caves, solar-powered fermentation buildings and a gravity-fed crush pad. A welcoming tasting room and patio invite visitors to experience the wines while enjoying the winery’s buzzing, eco-friendly gardens and commanding views of the surrounding hills and vineyards.

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